Thursday, May 27, 2010

I swear I should write a book- My life is SO Bizarre!

Well, it all started out with a random contact a few days ago from a profile I have on Match. She's 53, slim, beautiful, and a massage therapist. I thought, ok, why not meet for a coffee/doughnut/whatever. She seemed nice, and we met. I'm starting to believe some websites have built-in beer-goggles to enhance profile pix. I swear. She shows up 20 minutes late (strike 1), looks like she just came from a day of hiking, with ZERO appearance preparation, i.e., no make-up, hair looked greasy (strike 2), and she smelled sweaty (strike 3,4,5,6,etc...)! We grabbed a drink, talked for about an hour, and went our separate ways. She looked OOOOOOLD! Nothing whatsoever like her pic. I think she had upper and lower dentures (I'm running out of available strikes here), and to top it off, she drives a damn SUBARU! (Ladies and gentlemen, start your engines...and Git The Hell Out Of There!) Granted, the car was newer and in good condition, but I can live without tree-hugging spotted owl-lovers. I'm not the kind of guy that's just looking for a piece of ass - I'm looking to meet someone I really want to KNOW and be around! CRAP! 

OH, and after...I get on FB and a friend of mine in Chicago makes a comment about the Hawks sweeping the series, and so I, the dedicated fan that I am, say, yeah, but how are they gonna do against my SUNS??? Her friend gracefully states, "The Hawks are a HOCKEY team. The Suns are Basketball. I doubt they will play each other this season. Next season doesn't look good either." Huh-DUH! (Snicker) :)

1 comment:

  1. (Hidden) May 27 at 3:51pm
    lol, you can post whatever you like.
    its too bad it didnt work for you. i always tell people that i dont think i look like my pics. i have to take them to work and ask people... do i really look like like that?!?! and they just laugh and say yes. but i do know pics can be decieveing.
    the last "date" i was on, he was smelly and greasy too, but i excused it because he is a mechanic and was working on a car before meeting me, BUT i was clean and done up and smelled very good, lol ...and whats wrong with tree huggers and spotted owl lovers??? my dream car would be a prius, i like that they are earth friendly and they look cool. that doesnt make me someone not worth knowing.
    and that sports mistake is ok, im very sports dumb. the only team i really root for is the cardinals, cuz i know they play football, lol

    Ken Butters May 27 at 3:59pm
    I think they also play baseball!

    (Hidden) May 27 at 4:00pm
    ... i think the baseball team is the diamondbacks...

    Ken Butters May 27 at 4:05pm
    Impressive! BUT, St. Louis' team is the Cardinals!

    (Hidden) May 27 at 4:08pm
    lol, true, but their football team is the rams... i only just started paying attention to football last year. not too big on baseball... its almost like golf... hitting little balls with big sticks, lol

    Ken Butters May 27 at 4:10pm
    Sweetie, you're confusing me. WHAAAAT???
