Thursday, May 27, 2010

Questions of the Ages about Dogs and Cats...ver1.0

(Hidden)  Hey Ken, you said you wanted "Female Thoughts" on your blogs. So I'm thinking after the way you tore apart this woman you just had a blind date with here on FB I doubt any woman you are friends with here on FB will ever want to go out with you for fear you may post negatively about them. OR if they do it's entirely possible they may post about you with not so nice comments. Just saying
about an hour ago · 
Robert Weber
Robert Weber 
Ken,life has to be real, because if it was fiction, it would be required that it make sense!
about an hour ago · 
Ken Butters
Ken Butters (Hidden)
 - THANK YOU - That's EXACTLY what I'm talking about - this isn't just for me - This is for guys to try to understand women and what might make them do the things they do. For example: 1. Why post pix that really look nothing like you (the person posting)? 2. Why would someone go through the trouble of starting a flirt to get to a date, and then not shower/clean up/wash hair/not stink like an afternoon with javelinas? SERIOUSLY. When you date, I have no doubt you have enough self respect to make your date feel like you at least spent 5 minutes preparing for the date. I've known women that take HOURS to get ready for a 1-hour dinner. Dressed to kill, and Everyone in the room is thinking...OMG, WHO is THAT??? Paparazzi are poised to pop out at any second. OK, I'm exaggerating (Just a little), but you get the point. I went out with a gal several years ago that had easily gained 100+ lbs since the picture that she had on her profile was taken. Is it not a legitimate thought process that a guy might be taken by surprise at that and feel completely misrepresented to? If I told you I was 6'1" and 200 lbs, and I actually was 5'5" and 250 lbs, would you be looking for the same person coming through the door? BOTH sexes do this, and I think it's time for people to get real. Anyone? Anyone? (Crickets...)(Beuhler?)


  1. ...and let me add, so there is no confusion...I am approximately 50 lbs lighter than the pic of me in the blue shirt. The "REAL ME" is below. I did that from the beginning to prove this exact point. I can honestly say I LIKE the way I looked in the blue shirt, at a heavier weight. I got a lot of compliments on my appearance. So, if that's all you had to go on of me, and I looked like (attached), would that be a surprise? For some it may be a welcomed surprise. Others, maybe not. Am I out in left field, here?

  2. Ken,
    I have experienced all you mentioned.....
    only it was the men....bad pics, really really really out of date pics.....yes the question is why ???? add one more item much more about what you own , your job, your ex, your ex's, your boss and on and on and on. I have been on dates ( once only ) where all I ever got to say was 'Hello" and nod my head while I searched for the nearest exit sign .

  3. and another note on pics....I have always tried to include more than just a face in the pic and have posted the date the pic was taken ....
    I think your photo looks great and would follow up any conversations ....

  4. Mercy, Thanks. The pic of me in the reddish-brownish shirt was taken approx 1.5 months ago. It's pretty realistic. And no, I'm not shaped like a pear. I'm proportional. :)

  5. I also have to say I have been guilty of the jabberjaws myself. I wonder if it's a nervous thing?
