Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend revelations and retrospects

Txt conversation between a good friend of mine and I:

(Friend) Did u have some sort of revelation today...FB Post...

(Me) I did.

(Me) The emails have been interesting.

(Friend) I bet.

(Friend) Say, you're not in any shape or form mad at me, right?

(Me) Nope. I think our conversation last night made me think. It made me realize I was attracted to things I couldn't have. Just needed a reality check. Maybe it was my sanity safety net.

(Friend) I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you in any way but I don't think I ever led u on either. I believe I made it clear from the start we would just be friends.

(Friend) I hope there is nothing wrong with that. :)

(Me) My txt to you last night was just a joke. I was kidding. Then my mind wandered, and I started thinking of my wife (we'll divorced in a week). Then it moved on from memories of the good times to memories of the bad times. Then to utter disgust at the thought of her having sex with the fat guy she's dating. Then I sat there for a minute and realized I needed to put my big-boy boxers on and get on with my life. There is someone out there that will appreciate me in the way I need to be, and who wants to be adored and cherished like I am capable of, and good at, doing. And I'll be DAMNED if I'm not going to find her!

(Friend) Wow...U had quite an interesting evening!!! I'm sure there is somebody out there for you - just don't force it. U know, let it happen naturally.

(Then - off to unrelated conversation)

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Kenneth Butters - Google Profile

There is this place in all of our minds that says.....that's what I want...that's where i want to be....i'm worth it....and we are idiots because we ignore the basis of why we do what we do. Fear..........what a muthafucka. Had to share....havin a moment

Friday, May 28, 2010

I just had one of the best days of my life!

Ken Butters I'm having one of the best days I've had in over a year!

11 hours ago via Facebook for BlackBerry  ·  · 
Ken Butters
Ken Butters 
I have a great family, friends, and God in my life. Can't forget a cloudless sky, lotsa sun, loud music, and a huge sunroof!
11 hours ago · 
Colleen Long Clark
Colleen Long Clark 
Really? That's great! Cuz I have been having some pretty crummy days lately! :( Rub some of that best day through my computer screen!
11 hours ago · 
Jackie Rooke Glascow
Jackie Rooke Glascow 
Glad to hear it!! It's all in the attitude!
10 hours ago · 
Ken Butters
Ken Butters 
Sunroofs are best shared at night, when they become Moonroofs! Any takers?
7 hours ago · 
Cyndi Condy
Cyndi Condy 
hav a great weekend you and your family
5 hours ago · 
Saskia Jensen
Saskia Jensen 
U deserve a good day...keep the good Mojo lol
4 hours ago · 
Eric Roy
Eric Roy 
Nice Ken!Glad to hear it !
3 hours ago · 
Ken Butters
Ken Butters 
What a kick! I've never been flirted with more in one day in my life! I got home after a great day and realized my fly was open!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Drop Box - 117313737403243590421 - Picasa Web Albums

Drop Box - 117313737403243590421 - Picasa Web Albums

Ken Butters, 2010, Bartending at Suzanne Korman's GNO Party.

Random Musings from the FOG (Freakin' OLD Guy)

Questions of the Ages about Dogs and Cats...ver1.0

(Hidden)  Hey Ken, you said you wanted "Female Thoughts" on your blogs. So I'm thinking after the way you tore apart this woman you just had a blind date with here on FB I doubt any woman you are friends with here on FB will ever want to go out with you for fear you may post negatively about them. OR if they do it's entirely possible they may post about you with not so nice comments. Just saying
about an hour ago · 
Robert Weber
Robert Weber 
Ken,life has to be real, because if it was fiction, it would be required that it make sense!
about an hour ago · 
Ken Butters
Ken Butters (Hidden)
 - THANK YOU - That's EXACTLY what I'm talking about - this isn't just for me - This is for guys to try to understand women and what might make them do the things they do. For example: 1. Why post pix that really look nothing like you (the person posting)? 2. Why would someone go through the trouble of starting a flirt to get to a date, and then not shower/clean up/wash hair/not stink like an afternoon with javelinas? SERIOUSLY. When you date, I have no doubt you have enough self respect to make your date feel like you at least spent 5 minutes preparing for the date. I've known women that take HOURS to get ready for a 1-hour dinner. Dressed to kill, and Everyone in the room is thinking...OMG, WHO is THAT??? Paparazzi are poised to pop out at any second. OK, I'm exaggerating (Just a little), but you get the point. I went out with a gal several years ago that had easily gained 100+ lbs since the picture that she had on her profile was taken. Is it not a legitimate thought process that a guy might be taken by surprise at that and feel completely misrepresented to? If I told you I was 6'1" and 200 lbs, and I actually was 5'5" and 250 lbs, would you be looking for the same person coming through the door? BOTH sexes do this, and I think it's time for people to get real. Anyone? Anyone? (Crickets...)(Beuhler?)

Computer Repair Computer Paramedics East Valley, AZ Mesa Gilbert Chandler Tempe Scottsdale

Ok, Shameless Plug Time!  This is my company - if you need help from Hardware to Software, I can help!

My site:

Ratings sites for this company:

Artist's Guitar, F P Cabellero, 1978, for sale, in EXCELLENT condition!

I came across a Spanish Guitar from 1978 that is solid wood, no laminate, B E A UTIFUL! It needs a home, cuz I don't play the string box. Know anyone? It's label on the inside says it's from Madrid, and says, in Spanish, that it's an F P Cabellero Atrist's guitar. I have pix, if anyone's interested.

Photo Creds to Karen (Kk) Abrahmson

Need a photographer?  Contact me - I'll get u her #.

The best Drunk Bar Karaoke video ever!

Oh, Geez!  This is GREAT!!!


Blind Date, ver 2.1

Ken Butters 
(Blind Date, ver 2.1) Oh, I almost forgot! This is SO funny!
4 minutes ago · 
Ken Butters
Ken Butters 
SO, remember Sunday evening went from 85 degrees to 60 degrees in about half an hour. Well, while we were outside drinking our drinks, we were both sitting the shivering, and she said, "Let's look around...I'm sure we can find a warm spot..." (!) I almost choked on my own tongue! Hahaha! Not in THIS lifetime!
2 seconds ago ·

Alice Cooper Live ~ School's Out for Summer

Some people have no tact

Ken Butters I'm @ sonora getting blood work. A guy gets called named Gerald Ford. This dufus in the corner bursts out laughing and says he doesn't care now that he's old. Geez.

My dad is SO Kewl!

Yesterday at 2:24pm  ·  ·  · Share

Ken Butters
Ken Butters
My Dad is SO Kewl!
Yesterday at 2:24pm · 
Matt Kim Herrera
Matt Kim Herrera
YES HE IS DUDE.............
Yesterday at 7:25pm · 
Doug Carlson
Doug Carlson
Please send him my regards. I have always appreciated the memory of the time back in the day when Tri City Mall still exisited and we had lunch over there after church on Sundays. With the I love you sign, I see he hasn't changed.
Yesterday at 8:35pm

Military Homecomings ~
SONG: "Money is Not a Thing" by Chase Holfelder Available on iTunes: Here is a great "Best of" compilation of soldiers coming home and surprising their families! Soooo sweet! Made me cry a river. Thanks for watching! God bless our troops!
Yesterday at 9:19pm  ·  ·  · Share
Jennifer Ubik Harris
Jennifer Ubik Harris 
OH i cried a river on this one OMG!!!!!!!
Yesterday at 9:41pm · 
Ken Butters
Ken Butters 
I had trouble with it too. Especially the first one.
Yesterday at 9:48pm · 

If you can't read the sign, you STILL have to wait in line!

UnF'n Believable! @ DMV. The sign says "Wait here until called",but only in English.A Spanish speaking woman with several kids walks straight from the entrance to the counter.I was next in line. I not-so-politely told her she needed to wait in line like everyone else.She looks @ me like I have 8 heads and talks to the guy at the counter.They both laugh. The guy sez 'next'.I said I'd wait for the citizen line.

I swear I should write a book- My life is SO Bizarre!

Well, it all started out with a random contact a few days ago from a profile I have on Match. She's 53, slim, beautiful, and a massage therapist. I thought, ok, why not meet for a coffee/doughnut/whatever. She seemed nice, and we met. I'm starting to believe some websites have built-in beer-goggles to enhance profile pix. I swear. She shows up 20 minutes late (strike 1), looks like she just came from a day of hiking, with ZERO appearance preparation, i.e., no make-up, hair looked greasy (strike 2), and she smelled sweaty (strike 3,4,5,6,etc...)! We grabbed a drink, talked for about an hour, and went our separate ways. She looked OOOOOOLD! Nothing whatsoever like her pic. I think she had upper and lower dentures (I'm running out of available strikes here), and to top it off, she drives a damn SUBARU! (Ladies and gentlemen, start your engines...and Git The Hell Out Of There!) Granted, the car was newer and in good condition, but I can live without tree-hugging spotted owl-lovers. I'm not the kind of guy that's just looking for a piece of ass - I'm looking to meet someone I really want to KNOW and be around! CRAP! 

OH, and after...I get on FB and a friend of mine in Chicago makes a comment about the Hawks sweeping the series, and so I, the dedicated fan that I am, say, yeah, but how are they gonna do against my SUNS??? Her friend gracefully states, "The Hawks are a HOCKEY team. The Suns are Basketball. I doubt they will play each other this season. Next season doesn't look good either." Huh-DUH! (Snicker) :)